Meldonium an anti-ischemic drug developed for treatment of heart ischemia and its consequences. It is used in neurology for the treatment of brain circulation disorders. It significantly improves patients' mood. They become more active, their motor dysfunction decreases, and asthenia, dizziness and nausea become less pronounced. The drug also improves the learning abilities and memory.
Wirkstoff: Mildronate
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager (34 packs)
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Andere Namen von Meldonium: 
Cardionate Meldonio Midromax Mildronats Mildroxyn Milkor Vazomag 
Meldonium 500mg
ProduktnamePro PilleSie sparenPro PackungBestellen
40 Pillen$1.21$48.40In den Warenkorb
60 Pillen$1.08$7.90$72.60 $64.70In den Warenkorb
90 Pillen$0.99$19.74$108.90 $89.16In den Warenkorb
120 Pillen$0.95$31.58$145.20 $113.62In den Warenkorb
180 Pillen$0.90$55.27$217.80 $162.53In den Warenkorb
360 Pillen$0.86$126.32$435.60 $309.28In den Warenkorb
Meldonium 250mg
ProduktnamePro PilleSie sparenPro PackungBestellen
40 Pillen$1.10$44.00In den Warenkorb
60 Pillen$0.98$7.43$66.01 $58.58In den Warenkorb
90 Pillen$0.89$18.56$99.00 $80.44In den Warenkorb
120 Pillen$0.85$29.70$132.00 $102.30In den Warenkorb
180 Pillen$0.81$51.98$198.01 $146.03In den Warenkorb
360 Pillen$0.77$118.80$396.00 $277.20In den Warenkorb
  • What is Meldonium?

    Meldonium is used clinically to treat angina and myocardial infarction. The first clinical trial testing the efficacy of using a combination of meldonium and lisinopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, to treat chronic heart failure, was reported in 2005, and concluded that the combination of meldonium and lisinopril may improve the quality of life, exercise capacity, and mechanisms of peripheral circulation of patients with chronic heart failure.


    • Treat Chronic Heart Failure and Cerebral Strokes
    • Abstinence Syndrome
    • Improves Oxygen Delivery to Cells
    • Protects Cells from Intoxication
    • Excellent for Sportsmen to Improve Stamina
    • Improves Energy Levels and Faster Physical Recovery

    What should my health care professional know before I take this medicine?


    Hypersensitivity to meldonium or any components of the drug. Increased intracranial pressure (in case of impaired venous drainage, intracranialtumours). Pregnancy and breast-feeding periods. Children’s age.

    Patients with chronic liver and renal diseases should take care in case of long-term application of the drug. Due to possible development of stimulating effect it is recommended to take the drug before noon.

    How should I take this medicine?

    Applied internally.
    • Intellectual and physical stress (including in athletes). Adults – 1 g per day divided into two 500mg doses. Course of treatment is 10-14 days. If necessary, the treatment is repeated in 2-3 weeks.
    • Athletes should take 500 mg – 1 g twice a day before training. Duration of treatment during preparatory period is 2-3 weeks, during the period of
    competition – 10-14 days.
    • Cardiovascular disease. As part of combined therapy: 500 mg -1 g (1-2 tablets) per day, taking the whole dose at one time or dividing for 2 takings. Course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.
    • Cardialgia against the background of dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy – 500 mg per day. Course of treatment is 12 days.
    • Disturbed cerebral circulation. In course of treatment after elimination of acute disorders: 500 mg – 1 g per day, taking the whole dose at one time or dividing it for 2 takings. In case of chronic disorders: 500 mg per day. General course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. Recurrent courses (usually 2-3 times a year) may be taken after consulting a doctor.
    • Diseases of peripheral arteries. 500 mg twice a day.
    • Abstinence syndrome in case of chronic alcoholism. 500 mg 4 times a day. Course of treatment is 7-10 days.
    • Maximum daily dose is 2000 mg.

    Interaction with other drugs and other types of interaction

    The drug may be combined with antianginal agents, anticoagulants and antiaggregants, antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics, and bronchial spasmolytics. It intensifies the action of coronary vasodilating drugs, some hypotensive agents, and cardiac glycosides. Taking into consideration the possible development of mild tachycardia and arterial hypotension, care should be taken when combining the drug with nitroglycerin, nifediphine, alpha-adrenoceptor blockers, hypotensive agents and peripheral vasodilators.

    Application during pregnancy and breast-feeding periods

    Safety of Mildronate application during the pregnancy period has not been proved. In order to avoid possible negative effect of the drug on foetus, it should not be applied during pregnancy. It is unknown whether the drug penetrates into breast milk. If mother requires treatment with Mildronate, breast-feeding shall be stopped.


    Keep away from direct sunlight.
    Keep locked and away from children.
    Store in dry place at room temperature.
    Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

    What side effects may I notice when taking this medicine?

    Rarely – allergic reactions (redness, rash, itching, oedema), as well as dyspepsia, tachycardia, excitement, changes of arterial pressure.